Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The World going Corporate.

Companies get bought and turned over each year.  They can start out as a tiny little company and book into one of the largest distributers in the United States.  This is what happened in my fathers line of work.  He started working for a small electronic distributing company back in the late 1990's.  He build the Company up over the years to one of the largest distrubuters of electronics in the United States.  He helped build the company so large that the main boss sold it out to the pirates of a CEO company for millions of dollars making DBL now Income Micro. The truth is that big companies and little companies fundamentally do not get along. Big companies are worried about covering their back sides, while little companies are aggressive taking risks at every opportunity because they have relatively little to lose. Big companies are riddled with compliance paperwork and quality assurance matters that bog them down. Little companies fly by the seat of their pants " making executive decisions at every turn. 

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