Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Urban Sociology

Urban Sociology.  I did not know what to expect when i signed up for this class.  However, looking back over all the lessons and theories we discussed in class i have learned a lot.  I learned everything that separates the cities and the suburbs.  I also really liked this blogging idea.  It was very easy for me to learn while blogging about what we talked about in class and applying it to what i see in society.  This is what i did with all my blogging.  I learned everything there is to know about cities and why we have them.  I never knew the importance of cities and that they have always been the center around Urbanization.  It was interesting to see how Urban and Suburbs changed through out the time periods.  Starting with the first settlement found in the stone age through agricultural revolution, urban revolution, and industrial revolution which really change society.  This was the Rise of cooperation and how CEO companies began as i blogged previously before.  The development of technology helped society with new adaptations. The Highway systems were built which allowed easier transportation in and out of cities.  I learned that this is what created a suburb and allowed people to commute to the cities instead of living in them.  Highways were also built to keep the "poor" in the city.  We learned about what slums are and how they have a poor standards of living.  And we also learned that the world is in global proverty and how our society is based of a fake money system.  This class was a great class and i would recommend it to anyone.  And where are we today?  Today we are in transition and we do not know what will happen.  

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