Monday, April 13, 2009

In the Ghetto

Slums and Ghetto's are very similar.  However, there big difference is that Ghettos are enforced.  But what exactly is a Ghetto? A Ghetto is a negative, enforced living place in a expanded area.  They started in the middle ages when all ethnic groups were segregated due to their jobs, religion and status.  The United States got their Ghetto idea from Poland who had the first known Ghetto area.  While in the United States, Jews were the first considered "Ghetto.  The Jew Ghetto started not because of Hitler, it was to control the Jews.  This was because "authority was opposing single segregation" during WWII.  Now besides cities like Camden and newark, the only old school ghetto's still existing are China Town in NYC and little Italy.  
After learning about the original Ghetto i became rather confused.  I always though that a Ghetto was where, not to be politically incorrect, where blacks and Hispanics lived.  I always knew a Ghetto was a hard life, but it seemed to be a place for gangsters and violence.  Many music rappers today rap about coming from the ghetto.  Is this what Ghettos have turned into?  It seems to me that Ghetto's are unsafe and have drugs and violence happening all around.  Also a lot of the new Ghetto population refer to themselves as living in the "hood."  
Its funny, did you know Oprah Winfrey grew up in the Ghetto?  However, she quoted that “I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good.”  Also Ghetto is now a way to describe a person.  Somebody could be "so Ghetto" or "thats Ghetto."  Also you are not considered a "thug" unless your from the Ghetto.  Sorry kids.

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