Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mr. Money Bags.

It seems that for many people in today's society, money has become the thing they most cherish. It is apparent in the endless hours many people devote to their job. For some, their identity is wrapped into how much money they have.  Money may be the only thing they even want to talk about, or the measure by which they judge themselves and others. With the constant talk of how to make money, or save money,Money is the driving force behind everything in modern society today.  A paper bill can have a value of up to five hundred dollars or even a thousand (if there are such things if thousand dollar bills).  But to be completely honest, money does make the world go round.  With-out money, the world could not function as a whole.  
How does this work if we are sending money to another country?  We all know "snail mail" is very slow, so how can we "wire" somebody money? Often we send money around the globe, but there is no 'real' money.  This Global Financial Service allows society to spend with out actually having the money.  Examples are even credit cards, debit cards, and systems like Pay Pal.  Pay Pal is a way individuals can send and receive money online.  Systems like these can be good and bad.  
They are bad in such that the banks allow over drafting.  This allows banks to make more money off of interest and fees making society pay when they run out of so called real money.  It is good because it will not take days and weeks to send money from place to place.  Money can just magically appear on a card but just saying a few words (to the bank).  The world is really like monopoly when you think about it.  Its all the buying and selling with paper, fake money that society just functions off of.  

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