Wednesday, April 1, 2009

City Crime Reduction

Cities are considered dangerous places to live for one main reason, their crime rate.  The crime rate in cities are predicted to be twice the rate of suburbia life.  In the 1990's New York City wanted to do something to change this.  So they went to work to device a plan to clean up the streets of New York.

In 1994, the New York City Police Department introduced its “Comstat” system—a crime analysis, strategy development, and management accountability process that relies heavily on crime mapping data. Departments across the country have attempted to replicate its purported successes.  (

This is what started the huge change in the city.  Crime rate has dropped tremendously in the last few years by cleaning up the streets and lowering the crime rate.  Today i actually happened to see the Newark Police Commissioner, Gary McCarthy, speak at Fairleigh Dickinson University.  He originally started as an officer in New York City and was head of three different precincts,20th on the Upper East Side, 33 rd in Washington Heights, and 70th in Flatbush.  He even was a part in the huge Washington Heights drug bust and closed one of the biggest drug trafficking houses in this half of the country.  He then became the principal crime strategist for the department.  The Police Department saw a progressive decline in murders in this time. Starting in 2005, the 540 recorded murders were the lowest in New York City's history has seen since 1963. In September of 2006, Garry F. McCarthy was sent to lead the Newark Police Department and clean up the Newark Streets.  Newark has seen a significant reduction in crime also in the past few years. Murders are now down 14%, shootings are down 29% and overall crime is down 24%.  He has put away ten out of eleven people on Newark's most wanted list and has help convey plans to start making the streets safe.
At that website we can how the crime in New York City has decreased over the past decade.  It shows crime from murder, to rape, even to shootings and compares them from date to date.  

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