Thursday, February 26, 2009

Multi-culture Metro Region

Suburbanization is what was the main asset for Multi-culture Metro Region.  In 1950, President Eisenhower created the NDSH act.  It layed out and provide funding for all major highways.  This was what allowed the MMR to exist, this along with the automobiles.  Then Robert Moses built the Long Island expressway and the Bronx express way.  He built it only high enough bridges for average sized cars to go underneath.  This would keep the poor people in the city and only allow the wealthy into suburbia.  
Cities today are not like what they used to be.  We no longer need one center, because in most cities today their is multi-center.  Although there is still a center, it is not the "great center."  For example Phoenix, Arizona.  Phoenix has formed modernization and modernity.  The city of Phoenix does have business buildings, but it is not necessary to always have to go into the city for things like shopping and other necessities. 
I was just in Hoboken the other week and i realized what a Radiate City  it was.  It had sky scrapers, but it was isolated from everything else.  It actually was a pretty cool little town for what it used to be like.  Hoboken used to be dirty and not a nice area to be around.  Now Hoboken is new and reinvented.  Living expenses is also less than living in large center cities like Manhattan.  According to a Blog Scene of Hoboken it only costs 30,000 a year and it is right outside Manhattan.  

Monday, February 2, 2009

Classical Foundations.

In the three readings for this week: What is a City, The metropolis and Mental Life, and The City all gave examples of city life and how it has established itself in the centuries.  "The Metropolis and Mental Life" article was quite hard to follow.  In some parts it talked about how money is the basis of all metropolitan life.  It also talked about how Athens became the first huge city in ancient times and that was a big deal because towns were afraid to combine because of politics and government. In "What is a City" it explained what is a city.  The city is the center of power and a product of earth today.  It is what society has built over time making permanent shelters for millions of people.  It is built by men over a period of time.  Also Cities in generate from the country life.  Everything from accents to the ways of people.  This is because cities are a mix of all different kinds of country life all over. They are also the thriving place for businesses and where men can make there money.  In the reading of "The City" it explained how cities can be defined.  There is so much culture to a city compared to the country that it is hard to be defined.  The city and consist of rural and metropolitan areas, crowded and then no very populated areas, and dirty and clean parts.  All the readings talk about the beginning of cities and what cities really are and how they became the cities we have today.